Tuesday, May 31, 2011

i missed someone.. :|

I look at your picture and smile,
because I haven't seen you in a while.
The distance is tearing us apart.
But I can hold the memories in heart.
I hate being this far away.
I feel like I can't express the things I need to say.
People say things that aren’t true.
to wipe away every single tear.
I'm always in some crazy memory.
You really don't know what you mean to me,
but hopefully this explanation will make you see.
I could never stay mad at you.
You're special in everything you do.
You've taught me a lot of lessons,
and I'm thankful for all of your blessings.
It's just that I try to be happy,
but the more I try the more everyone hates me.
It's like the harder I work, the more they take,
the more I heal, the more they break.
The happier I get, the more miserable they are.
Sometimes I get so close but feel so far.
All I’m asking is please don't hurt me.
I'm hurting where only I can see.
I wish I could tell you all the things I want to say.
I wish you were here with me everyday.
I know some things I did to you were cruel.
Believe me when I say I was a fool...

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I believe that Allah has a reason for everything that happens in our life. Whatever it is, it will make us strong. It can widen our hopes and help us fulfill every dream we have. He has plans for each of us and though we do not know what life brings us, surely it is the best one. Allah is always there in every corner though secretly working on us through his instruments, He is there watching us always. We need to have faith to our almighty Allah and whatever decision we made, we should ask for His guidance. ♥ ♥

♥ I believe that Allah has a reason for everything that happens in our life, surely it is the best one.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Remember once more

I miss you.
Some days I wonder if you were here,
would you be proud of me?
Would you see me as strong?
There are only a few things I remember from the past.
The rest is a blurr.
You taught me the hard lessons of life.
I wish you were here.
The last time I cried was at the funeral.
I've tried to forget the past.
I tried to forget your faith.
The family says I look like you the most.
I never got to be there to hear your last words.
What would you have said?
I love you father.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

salam asalamualaikum kawan2 yang dikasihi sekalian.. Saya Akmal Haziq Bin Yusop menyatakan kesedihan diatas pemergian ayahanda yg saya sayangi Yusop Bin Japar.. kerahmatullah pada pagi 5.55am Rabu 11/05/2011.. Semoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat kurniakan berkat daripada Allah.. Al-Fatihah..

time raya kat kucing

koma last day kat hospital miri

Thursday, May 5, 2011


i know its over,
its obvious to tell,
and we must go on,
but my heart,
still feels like it belongs to you,
i dont want no one else to have it,
i gave it to you,
why didnt you keep it?
when you promised,
you would never break it,
why couldnt you have,
kept that promise?
i gave you all my love,
but i guess it wasnt enough,
to make you stay,
since youve left me,
alone and for my heart to bleed,
to bleed over you,
and cry tears of misery,
while i cry alone in my room,
thinking of the memories,
that made me smile,
but now make me cry,
great memories of us
every laugh,
every smile,
every kiss
every "i love you",
that i will never forget,
as they are all imprinted in my mind,
i will always love you,
and you will always be in my heart,
and i promise that,
if love never follows through,
then i willl never fall again,
as long as i dont have you,
my one and only,
so now i walk on,
with happienesss swept out of my mind,
my soul feeling hollow,
and my heart incomplete,
and broken...
wishing for you to come back,
but letting go of you,
just means,
that i will always love you

To the one who broke me

I hope you realize

Has been deserted,

And you have been left alone.

And your dreams

Have been rejected,

The ones you had of us,

So frequently,

Are no longer possible with me.

Even though you have

Broken me,

You do not care.

I know why,

Even if you think I do not.

I can see through your lies

That you told me

So frequent.


Because I Love You,

I believed you

I was a fool

I believed your lies,

As you told them

But said to others

The exact opposite.

“Why,” I ask,

So frequently

But, you say the same

“I do not know”

That you told me,

When I worried

About You.

I did not care,


That you were lying

I should have seen it,

And stopped it

And left you

Even though

You told nothing

But lies.

And you broke me

Threw my heart,

In pieces

Out to sea.

And now

As I have done

So frequently


500,000 miles away

To the shore,

With the pieces

Of my heart,

That I could find.

And I walk

Walk away from the dream

The future

The life

That I had had

For us

And only us

But yet,

As I repeat,

You do not care

For you left me

Long before I said


Long before I thought


So frequently

I think about

What I could have done

Could have said

Could have Changed

I could have said

I Love You

Every day,

Not through text

As I have done before,

So frequently,

But out loud

Every time we hugged.

I could have shown

The world

What I felt


I Love You

I could have shown you,

And proved it


You left me.

And as you read this,

I hope,

I hope you feel

My heart breaking,

How you saved me

With lies

I Hope

Your heart breaks

Like mine

Still is breaking now,

So frequently.

And through

This poem,

This story,

I hope you feel

What you felt

Before you left me,


I hope you learn

From your mistakes

Not mine

Mine are mine to hide

Or show

The world

As I please.

But you?

You choose to bury

Bury them deep within

Your heart

The one

I hope breaks

And you hide

Your heart

So no one can break it

So no one can steal it

This is why

You Hurt Us

Without meaning

Without knowing

You Hurt Us

Each of us

Over and over

So frequent.


Who Love You

Who Care

Who will put

Our lives to a stop

To help you

To Care For You

We will hurt ourselves to

Help You


In return,

You break us

Each of us

One By One

Over and over

Without any

Second thoughts.


I have been called fool

For not leaving you

The first time

And believing you

When you said

You love me

So frequently.


When they asked,

“Why are you with her?”

I simply answered

“I Love her”

With all the

Little pieces

Of my heart.

And you?

You still have

What pieces

Of my heart

That I could not find

And you will keep them

Until someone,

Who does not find me useless

Who does not mind my questions

Who Does Not Lie

Or Cheat,


Fights you for

The rest

Of my heart.


I will not find

Such a person

Because such a person

Does not exist


You lied

You cheated

So frequently

And it broke me

Broke me every time

Every time you



You say you didn’t mean to.

I think

You knew you were

But did not care.


I will not find

Such a person

Because if he exists

I would have found you



I found



I Love You.


I will be alone



Until someone,

Like you,

Comes along

With the guts

That you had,

To break me

And never stop

Breaking me.

But this time,

I will not stop

My friends,

Who I live for,

From hurting you

I’ve stopped them now

For you

Because I still love you

Because you’re the reason

I’m still alive



You’re the reason

I’m still

In this state,


@#!*% -hole of a place.

And now,

As I’m dying

I Hope You’re Happy (because im not)

You’re the one I let get away

Who I am.. Simplified.. Or not

(So I found something on the internet that basically helps you find out, basically, what type of person you are. There's a list of words that you could describe yourself as. I guess I'm bored lol)

To me, my future is very important. It bothers me when others don't plan for the future and think that things they do don't affect the future. But I don't like things that don't come natural to me. For example, I'm good at Math, English, and History. But science is confusing to me. Thus, I don't like it. And soccer's easy for me, and football, but field hockey isn't- so I hate it.

When I love- I love whole heartedly. I won't see a single flaw or wrong doing when I love someone. I won't say those three words if I don't mean them either. I take love seriously. That's why I hate it when people cheat and stuff. I hate it when people don't take it seriously. If you feel something's right deep in your soul, then chances are that it is right. Love is NEVER wrong, I don't care what the situation is. Love is pure and should be nurtured- no squashed like they like to teach you these days!

I trust until you give me a reason not to. I won't believe rumors about you. But once you break my trust, chances are that I won't forgive you- or it'll take a while.

I'm often found trying to make others laugh. I guess you could say laughter is like music, it gives me energy I need to live and be happy. I like being around my friends- but I'm often alone studying things they don't teach us in school (and reading to learn about myself)

I LOVE learning new things. I love abstract ideas.People who think outside the box are more than welcome as my friend. I also love debating with people. It's a thrill I guess. I need to have knowledge. I love the arts- poetry, songs, plays, books, etc. I just love it.

But I tend to put up a front with some people. I hide things from my friends just so that they don't change the way they see me. I desire everyone's respect and I aspire to be looked up to. I love feeling like I taught someone something valuable. But too many questions annoy me.

I feel mega old compared to all my other friends. They just seem so irresponsible and reckless. They say they hate everyone- when hate shouldn't be used loosely- and that no one understands- when tons of people TRY to!

I love being depended on. I often bite off more than I can chew- for lack of a better metaphor. I see both sides of an argument and I'd like to avoid confrontation. But when I do choose a side, there's no shaking my beliefs. I believe everyone should have the same rights and that not tolerating who someone is should be considered wrong- instead of accepted. As you could probably see: I support gay rights lol. And other causes... but we won't get into that! XD Haha!
Smiles,hugs and love. u are always in my heart. Stares,glares and sharing my love with u is what I'll always do. u bring me joy with just a stare. u bring me happiness with just one word. When I'm down you're always there. It means a lot to me because I know that you care. Words can't describe what you mean to me but I'll try. u the greatest girl that I've ever meet. Lets keep making memories because there's a lot more to make. may your life be filled with love like you've made mine. I hope I can be apart of it. I'll always be here by your side.