Thursday, May 5, 2011

Who I am.. Simplified.. Or not

(So I found something on the internet that basically helps you find out, basically, what type of person you are. There's a list of words that you could describe yourself as. I guess I'm bored lol)

To me, my future is very important. It bothers me when others don't plan for the future and think that things they do don't affect the future. But I don't like things that don't come natural to me. For example, I'm good at Math, English, and History. But science is confusing to me. Thus, I don't like it. And soccer's easy for me, and football, but field hockey isn't- so I hate it.

When I love- I love whole heartedly. I won't see a single flaw or wrong doing when I love someone. I won't say those three words if I don't mean them either. I take love seriously. That's why I hate it when people cheat and stuff. I hate it when people don't take it seriously. If you feel something's right deep in your soul, then chances are that it is right. Love is NEVER wrong, I don't care what the situation is. Love is pure and should be nurtured- no squashed like they like to teach you these days!

I trust until you give me a reason not to. I won't believe rumors about you. But once you break my trust, chances are that I won't forgive you- or it'll take a while.

I'm often found trying to make others laugh. I guess you could say laughter is like music, it gives me energy I need to live and be happy. I like being around my friends- but I'm often alone studying things they don't teach us in school (and reading to learn about myself)

I LOVE learning new things. I love abstract ideas.People who think outside the box are more than welcome as my friend. I also love debating with people. It's a thrill I guess. I need to have knowledge. I love the arts- poetry, songs, plays, books, etc. I just love it.

But I tend to put up a front with some people. I hide things from my friends just so that they don't change the way they see me. I desire everyone's respect and I aspire to be looked up to. I love feeling like I taught someone something valuable. But too many questions annoy me.

I feel mega old compared to all my other friends. They just seem so irresponsible and reckless. They say they hate everyone- when hate shouldn't be used loosely- and that no one understands- when tons of people TRY to!

I love being depended on. I often bite off more than I can chew- for lack of a better metaphor. I see both sides of an argument and I'd like to avoid confrontation. But when I do choose a side, there's no shaking my beliefs. I believe everyone should have the same rights and that not tolerating who someone is should be considered wrong- instead of accepted. As you could probably see: I support gay rights lol. And other causes... but we won't get into that! XD Haha!

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